tisdag 29 december 2009

No dejes de soñar

Jag kom på mig med att jag slutat drömma.
Tänkte att det inte var någon idé att gå runt o tänka på allt jag verkligen ville göra när jag såg att verkligheten kom ifatt mig. Gjorde mig besviken. Big mistake.. BIG MISTAKE

Well.. I'm slowly turning this boat.. :)

I know that I'm standig
just because you walk with me.
Whenever I needed you
You carried me through troubled waters.

I breath your words
inhaling it while I sing
So many hours with you
but I still go trying to make it on my own.

I find myself in your music
Letting myself be led by you
but still its up to me where I want to go
In the meantime, I have your smile in me
I'm not gonna stop dreaming
Not gonna stop being me

Over n Out

Hoy y Siempre


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